Become an Outlaw

"There's just too many keyboard warriors nowadays"

-Jared Phillips

It's time to make a difference

You may not know it, but West Coast River Outlaws have been hosting street-style boat racing since 2019. In this day and age, everyone thinks they’re fast. But who are you proving your point to by arguing with strangers on the internet?

Let us Help You Prove a Point

WCRO prides ourselves in keeping standards the same in all grudge style races. With so many variances in how a race can be made, we’ve stuck to the root principals of traditional street style-grudge races:

  • Distinguished start/finish point
  • Arm Dropper
  • Shot caller w/video evidence
  • Buoys reflecting finish line

The reality is this - You think you're fast, and we believe you! But it's not our opinion that counts...

West Coast River Outlaws is always looking to help schedule and put together grudge races. If you are looking for a callout, have a callout in mind, or just want to run what you brung, hit that contact button below and send us a message. We’ve been waiting for you!